New Members
Where can you find us?
The green is situated at the Recreation Ground St Ippolyts - click on 'contact' and you will find a map and a precise location.
When can you contact us?
Most times- our Secretary- Brian Butcher (tel 07807 403316) or another member of the committee will be pleased to show you around the green and club house. You can, of course, email us at: [email protected]
What dress?
When you're playing for the first time or practising, it doesn't matter except the club likes bowlers to wear flat soled shoes to preserve the surface of the green.
What equipment?
You won't need any to begin with- the club has a store of different 'woods'(bowls) for use and you will want to try different weights and sizes before acquiring your own woods.
Are you under any commitment?
No, just try the game and see if it's for you, just play as much as you like and join in matches when you feel ready.
What are the costs?
The club offers free membership to first time bowlers for the first year- this gives you an opportunity to try the game and see whether its worthwhile pursuing without incurring costs. After first year full membership costs £60 per year and senior citizen membership £50 per year (over 60 and not in full time employment). Rink fees for friendly and league matches are £3.00 per game.
How can I gain access to the green and club house?
You will be given the code to unlock the barrier leading to the Recreation Ground and upon becoming an established member you can apply for your own keys to the bowls green and club house - these keys are available for a small deposit. There is free parking alongside the bowling green.
When are the practice days?
Normally members meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from about 5.00 pm and on Wednesday mornings from about 10.00 am and practise at these times, but with your own keys and once you are a member you will have more opportunities to practise so long as matches are not being played or the green keeper is not working on the green.
How will I be able to improve my game?
Essentially by playing but members will give you guidance and Colin Davidson- English Bowls Development Coach- will be able to give you lessons if required.
How can I help the club?
When you become an established member your name will be included on both the Cleaning & Tea rota.
We are always looking for volunteers to assist around the green - e.g hedge cutting, painting, general tidying - mainly on Tuesday mornings throughout the season.